
Senin, 05 Juli 2010

11 Juli 2010

yiha !

ini awal bulan juli guys ! and you know.. eh.. I know.. di bulan juli ini bokap sama pacar gue ultah guys.. yang lebih lucunya lagi guys.. tanggalnya sama ! 11 Juli ! hahaha tapi yang jelas beda tahun dong guys ! gileee aje umur pacar ama bokap kalo sama.. bisa keder gue..! yap ane bingung mau kasih surprise apa sama bokap dan pacar.. soalnya samaa pulaa tanggalnya.. ! (hadeeeeeh) okee buat bokap gue udah ngerencanain sebuah surprise bareng keluarga gue.. dimana bokap bakal menerima hadiah dari keluarga besar gue serta kue dan mungkin hadiah lainnya.. yeah, simple tapi berarti buat bokap ! Thumbsup !

kalo buat pacar, hmm... ini dia yang ane pusing... surprise nya sih uda ada.. tapi yaa... ada kendala teknis hahaha... tapi gapapa... di setiap rencana harus ada PLAN B ! gue harus berpikir kritis, cepat, dan lugas disaat mepet. dan sekarang gue lagi ngerencanain PLAN B, wish me luck guys ! see ya :D

The beginning..

Heyho ! meet me again ! how are you guys ? fine ? I just finished in senior high school.. so happy and so sad ! I'm happy because I don't need make a-shit-homework and some damn-school-task.. I'm sad, cause maybe I can't meet my "crazy" friends in senior high school.. my STROKE'S and the people who always sit behind the canteen.. you rock boy !! rawr ! haha

Yeah it was the beginning of my life.. when I starting to have a college.. I have a responsibility to be a "MAN" !. this is about how to be a success man and marry a girl (I though already have this one :p) also have a great family ! a parents and 2 children :D. I know, I'll be a leader from my family.. hehehe :p

okay, This is a beginning.. Let's start with a smile :D